Our Summer Internship

2nd September 2024

Introducing Elissa Luo, our wonderful 2024 Summer Intern who recently completed a 4-month Internship programme with us. Elissa gained experience in various departments and received mentorship within our Sustainability and Building Services Engineering teams.

🟠Were the projects you worked on interesting and challenging?

“I really enjoyed the tasks I was given, considering my level of understanding in electrical and mechanical engineering. I really enjoyed the carbon calculations for FLATT’s carbon footprint, as well as making the presentation for it. Doing CAD on my last day was also really fun, and familiar to me as it’s closer to what I normally do.”

🟠What are your career goals moving forward, and how has this internship influenced them?

“I still need to finish my Undergraduate Degree in Architecture, but this experience helped me get an idea of what kind of job I am looking for in the future. I got to see what my skills are, and what skills need to be developed over the next few years of my studies and in my next placement.”

🟠Would you recommend this internship program to other students?

“I would recommend this internship to my peers, especially if they were reconsidering architecture and thinking about going MEP and Sustainable Design instead. I also believe that every Architect and future Architect needs the experience in another field of the building design process (Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, PM…etc.) because it helps us understand each other as team members and how we could more efficiently work together.”

We look forward to continuing to help the next generation all everything to do with all things MEP and Sustainability. 

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