Research and Development
Always pro-active, at FLATT we develop our own systems and software to satisfy our clients’ needs, as well as being old hands with all the standard industry tools.
We develop energy efficient tools specifically for the commercial and residential property sectors, combining integrated renewable energy solutions with passive building fabric options.
These are some of our recent areas of study:
- Energy strategies for Code for Sustainable Homes
- Low to Zero Carbon design solutions for existing building office stock and refurbishment.
- Quantitative shading to existing buildings to reduce thermal loads.
- Software Maintenance Asset Management Solutions.
- Building air tightness on existing buildings for refurbishment.
- De-carbonisation design templates for Buildings.
- Software – Building Portfolio DEC (Display Energy Certificate) management.
- Carbon Intelligence Systems.
- Use of Voltage Optimisation.
- Refurbishment of buildings and the effects of LED lighting investment return.
- District Heating (Combined Heat & Power) Systems Network Design and thermal storage strategies